Saturday, 22 May 2010

Photo Post: JR and CS

So I finally got back my first roll of 120 (black and white), results weren't great but here are some of the photos anyway.

It's a shame that they didn't come out very well because the guys in them are really great, they look so great together and love having their photo taken!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Gigs This Week - 17 May

It's a gig week this week:

Monday 17 May - Flight of the Conchords

If you haven't seen the TV show, well you should have seen the TV show!

The New Zealanders are not doing any more seasons of the amazing show, so for those of us addicted to the series this will be a welcome hit before the onset of withdrawal symptoms.

Check out the below video of one of their songs performed live.

Wenesday 19 May - The Antlers

So if you read my old blog, or if you actually know me (probably more likely), you might remember that I went to see these guys at my favourite London venue - Union Chapel - last month and it was so amazing that I just had to go again. This time they're playing and the not so amazing Scala.

Their album, Hospice remains as one of my top albums of the past few years (I will be doing a post sometime in the week on other music I'm really loving at the moment). I think there's probably still tickets for this show so if you like the track posted below, pick some up.

The rest of my week is reserved for sorting my life out, things like job applications and stuff like that.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

What You Missed Last Week

So here's what I got up to last week - from here on in you will get these updates for the week ahead rather than the week past.

Bompas & Parr: Parliamentary Waffle House

From their website: "Bompas & Parr creates fine English jellies, designs bespoke jelly moulds and curates spectacular culinary events." - I first heard of Bompas and Parr last year when I failed to visit their Alcoholic Architecture pop-up, this was a project that saw Bompas and Parr create a cloud of gin and tonic and had their 'drinkers' walk in in boiler suits and inhale their drink.

This year their project was a Parliamentary Waffle House. You can order your waffles in three varieties with strawberries (Labour), blueberries (tory) and with bananas (Lib Dem). You could also order a glass of Prescott punch, and of course, as it's Bompas and Parr, jelly.

It's a great idea and for the night we went they were having a Thick of It Night. They also had a swingometer, from left to right we have Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative.

As I prefaced this post by saying, you have now missed this but I suggest you keep a close eye on B&P's future projects or at least come back here regularly and I'll tell you about any upcoming ones.

I spent the rest of the week going to gigs namely the National and She & Him - I believe you can still catch She & Him on their tour around the country, The National tickets will possibly a little harder to come by.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Drisk has a new home

Okay for various reasons, some that I'm not willing to share with you and some that I am, this is my new blog.

Part of this is to give myself a new start as a blogger and so I will do it more regularly.

This is what I have planned for this blog:

- Weekly posts outlining what London has to offer

- I will be starting a Lomography challenge with some Lomo themes, each month we will choose a theme/challenge and then I will post the results up here.

- I will hopefully be posting a lot more of my photos up here, as I plan to start taking a lot more photos.

thisx list will hopefully keep growing until I am whisked away and offered a job as a writer for Time Out (London or New York - I don't mind).

Anyway for now, it's a pleasure to have you here and I will post soon.