Sunday, 9 May 2010

What You Missed Last Week

So here's what I got up to last week - from here on in you will get these updates for the week ahead rather than the week past.

Bompas & Parr: Parliamentary Waffle House

From their website: "Bompas & Parr creates fine English jellies, designs bespoke jelly moulds and curates spectacular culinary events." - I first heard of Bompas and Parr last year when I failed to visit their Alcoholic Architecture pop-up, this was a project that saw Bompas and Parr create a cloud of gin and tonic and had their 'drinkers' walk in in boiler suits and inhale their drink.

This year their project was a Parliamentary Waffle House. You can order your waffles in three varieties with strawberries (Labour), blueberries (tory) and with bananas (Lib Dem). You could also order a glass of Prescott punch, and of course, as it's Bompas and Parr, jelly.

It's a great idea and for the night we went they were having a Thick of It Night. They also had a swingometer, from left to right we have Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative.

As I prefaced this post by saying, you have now missed this but I suggest you keep a close eye on B&P's future projects or at least come back here regularly and I'll tell you about any upcoming ones.

I spent the rest of the week going to gigs namely the National and She & Him - I believe you can still catch She & Him on their tour around the country, The National tickets will possibly a little harder to come by.

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